2:01 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Sometimes people doesn't stay in your life..but the things they have given does. Those memories does. And the changes that they have brought in you also does. Every non human part of a relationship lasts for long, except the relationship itself. And all this non human parts add to your definition. Definition changes, people changes, relationships changes....things stay !!!


3:24 AM Unknown 0 Comments

I remember reading that long love letters in wrinkled torn old notebook which my granny kept like her most expensive ornament. And it made me envisage a turkey prince who loved my granny and who fought for her. And I wondered whether the fighter turkey prince looked like my grandpa ? I never asked granny anything more about the prince. Neither did she told me intentionally but he was there in all her bed time stories. And I used to fall asleep dreaming my granny and prince riding on a horse.

And I grew up with her stories, with her letters and with a deep faith in the same love which was imprinted on that notebook papers. when I met my first love, I was so keen to write letters for him as I knew the intensity of writing down your feelings on paper. But my prince never had a chance to read a love letter, because whenever I feel like writing it, I type it down and send a text msg. And reading my messages, gave him the same feeling I used to get whenever I read my granny’s notebook. Well I think that’s how it should be, as feelings cannot change with respect to change in the way you express it. Granny belonged to an age of papers and I belong to an age of smart phones. And I can’t imagine how my children would express their feeling of love. And if I say my granny’s bed time stories to my children they will never be able to understand it. So I just read them an online bedtime story, till they fall to deep sleep. But I still wish, if there is a turkey price, let my child have him, whom neither my granny nor I could ever meet.


3:24 AM Unknown 1 Comments

When things go wrong, and boss behaves like neighbor’s dog, I think of giving a shit and following my dream
Then my mind starts this  deadening process of recalling what was my dream
Well I had some dream when I was young,
I had a dream when I was a teenager…
Well am no more a teenager but that doesn’t mean that I can’t dream
Now it’s not the dream thing that am concerned about…it’s my age which is disproportionate to my total body weight and salary
Well, that’s ok because at least I have one number with me that increases every year
But it’s not always ok, when a cute guy at office asks you, your work exp, and u very well know that his intension is to calculate your age
And it’s not ok when you see your juniors at work place and they show unneeded respect
And it’s not at all ok when your niece calls u ‘Aunty’ in public even after telling her 100 times not to
Hell to my age…I don’t care about it as far as my dad calls me baby and my boy friend calls me babes
Now everything turned to boy friend
And I started searching answers for how ? why ? when ? and till when ?
And stopped immediately as I felt the symptoms of a mild attack
And now it seems much easier to think how to handle my boss.